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Problems we solve

Contact centres

A proven 10-30% boost in net promoter score and a 20%+ increase in employee retention

Contact centres

Your comprehensive digital learning platform that provides all the necessary training and information for your contact centre employees

Dealing with difficult customer conversations can be tough to keep your team motivated and engaged. That's why we've designed our learning platform to be both fun and engaging.



Contact centres

Maximising learning with minimal
training effort

Whether you're bringing on new hires or looking to upskill your current team, our platform will help your staff feel confident and equipped to provide the best possible customer service. With so many demands on your staffs' time, you don't want to wait around for training to be delivered. That's why we make sure our program is quick, memorable, and tailored to your needs.

“10-30% increase in role based KPIs”

Contact centres

A Comprehensive Solution for Organisational Analytics and Metrics Tracking

Universal Analytics provides the capability to understand any data related to over 300 data points. As well as the out-of-the-box dashboards, company specific dashboards can be developed within a day that maps to your organisational structure. Giving you both a helicopter view and the capability to drive down into the country, division, or team to see where engagement is high and where it isn't.


Contact centres

Enhance Workforce Efficiency with AI-Powered Search and Feeds

Our AI-powered platform provides targeted content delivery through personalised feeds and search capabilities, ensuring that relevant material is made available to each department. The job-specific resources guide employees towards a more structured approach to content consumption, improving their overall productivity.